Category Archives: Exercise of the Week

Great Study on HIIT how it works & suggested exercise protocol

I know your short for time for your work outs during the holidays! So am I! Try HIIT intervals that include the bike and weights for 20 min.  The variation on High intensity to active recovery! More and more studies show how effective HIIT training is.  “Keep it short sweet, effective & simple”.

Journal of Obesity
Click for full artcle

High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss
Stephen H. Boutcher
School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia

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Happy Holidays!

5 Full Body Strength & Core Moves!

Try these great exercises displayed in this short 3 min video. I do all these exercises but love the way this coach has filmed them. Do these exercises as a circuit repeating 3 – 4X. It should take you about 30 minutes. If you like this video leave me a note below or be so kind to share my website with infor. with your friends.

Happy Holidays, and keep moving for the love of your body and over all well being!

I am grateful for you and your loyalty and commitment to exercise!


More effective training for size, or if you just want a change “not just for men”!

I have been following Charles Poliquin for 10 years! Charles has released numerous scientific studies and has designed equipment over the years to help us train smarter become faster and be the best athlete we can be! Check out his latest article! Any questions after reading feel free to email me.

By Charles R. Poliquin
Last updated: Nov 17, 2015
Power training isn’t just for competitive athletes: It can do wonders for your physique as well! Cast a bigger shadow with this world-class program from renowned coach Charles Poliquin.


Name: Charles R. Poliquin
Occupation: Strength coach, author of “The Poliquin Principles” and “Arm Size & Strength: The Ultimate Guide”

A lot of trainees I talk to want to be stronger and look stronger—in that order. They don’t want to look like some over inflated balloon ready to either pop or float away. They’re after the look of power—a look that visually demands respect, not ridicule.

A few years ago, I’d hear the physique of powerlifting champion Roger Estep or Olympic lifting superstar David Rigert cited as the ideal of this look. More recently, people point to my good friend and teaching colleague Dmitry Klokov. These physiques feature lots of muscle, but useful muscle.

It’s a look you can’t fake, earned through heavy weights and a dedication to the fundamentals of power and strength. You can earn your version of the look, but you’ll have to do it the right way.

At my seminars and certification courses, I often get asked for the perfect rep set to build size and strength simultaneously. My answer: 1-2 exercises per body part, 7 sets of 3-5 reps, 30X0 tempo.

If lifting with tempo is new to you, the first number (3) is the eccentric motion, or lowering of the weight. The second number (0) signifies a pause in the stretched position. If it’s zero, there’s no pause. The third number is the concentric tempo; an X there means to lift explosively. The fourth number (0) is the pause at the top of the movement, or in peak contraction (again, no pause in this case).


Another slow tempo example.

If you liked this article please share this post with your friends, and if you want even more great information from me please subscribe to my website and share with your friends and families! I appreciate you’r help in sharing the love!

A back exercise that facilitates majority of our back body!

I like this exercise I incorporate it in 2 X per week . On my back & leg days!  Try it and post a comment below! Let me know your thoughts and or questions!

By Stephen E. Alway, Ph.D., FACSM

Your back can be made more vulnerable to injuries if your job requires you to sit for long periods of time. This causes your hamstrings to shorten and pulls on the pelvis to impact the middle and lower back muscles, which increases the potential for shoulder, lower and middle back injury if the wrong stress comes along. One of the beautiful things about the hyperextension with dumbbell lateral raise is that almost every fiber in the back is activated in this exercise while also activating the hamstrings along the way.

Remodeling Your Back Hyperextensions with Dumbbell Lateral Raises

This exercise will help your posture, strengthen your lower and middle back, and improve the quality of your entireupper body. Not only will your back look great from your hips to your neck, your back strength will protect you and reduce the chance of ever getting a back injury. You will find the isometric contractions in the lower back tough at first, but soon you will see a real difference.

Hyperextension of the vertebrae occurs when the extension goes beyond the point where the spine is in a straight line with the hip. Generally, excessive “hyper” in back extension exercises should be avoided because this can compress the vertebral disks and the nerves that exit between the vertebrae. However, the extension part of the exercise will activate all of the muscles along the spine.

Remodeling Your Back Hyperextensions with Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Proper Exercise Form

1. Lie face down on a hyperextension bench. Place the posterior, lower part of your leg under the leg pads so that it rests just above the ankles and Achilles tendon.

2. Lie facedown so that your upper thighs lie on across the wide pad. You should be able to flex at your waist without any restrictions.

3. Flex your waist so that your torso starts perpendicular to the floor. Take a light dumbbell in each hand and lift them from the floor. In a controlled fashion, extend your back until your body is parallel to the floor. This will be your starting position for the next part of the exercise.

4. Lift the dumbbells upwards as high as possible. Keep them moving laterally to the side. At a minimum, your armsshould be parallel to the floor at the top position.

5. Hold the position at the top for a count of two, then slowly lower the dumbbells back toward the floor. Keep your upper body tight with your back parallel to the floor.

6. After completing your set of 10-12 repetitions and with the dumbbells landing toward the floor, lower your upper body back to the position where the waist is flexed.

7. Place the weights on the floor and take a short rest before starting into the next set. Repeat the series by slowly raising your torso parallel to the floor and completing the next series of dumbbell lateral raises.

Remodeling Your Back Hyperextensions with Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Try to keep your upper and lower body in a straight line. You should also avoid jerking the weight to get things going. Keep each movement slow and controlled and avoid any swinging of your torso upwards so that you do not invite injury.

If you work carefully and with smooth, strict movements, your shoulders and entire back will respond by strengthening and firming. In addition, the muscles of your middle back (between the shoulder blades) will be strengthened and toned by hyperextensions with dumbbell lateral raises.

Illustrations by William P. Hamilton, CMI

1. Guo LY, Wang YL, Huang YH et al: Comparison of the electromyographic activation level and unilateral selectivity of erector spinae during different selected movements. Int J Rehabil Res 2012;35:345-351.

2. Moore, K.L. and A.F. Dalley: Clinically Orientated Anatomy 4th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,1999, pp-432-474; 690-698.

3. Minning S, Eliot CA, Uhl TL, et al:. EMG analysis of shoulder muscle fatigue during resisted isometric shoulder elevation. J.Electromyogr.Kinesiol. 2007;17, 153-159.

4. Reinold MM, Macrina LC, Wilk KE, et al:. Electromyographic analysis of the supraspinatus and deltoid muscles during 3 common rehabilitation exercises. J.Athl.Train. 2007;42, 464-469.

5. Yoshizaki K, Hamada J, Tamai K, et al:. Analysis of the scapulohumeral rhythm and electromyography of the shoulder muscles during elevation and lowering: comparison of dominant and nondominant shoulders. J.Shoulder.Elbow.Surg. 2009;18, 756-763.7666


Enjoy all the perks — and avoid the pitfalls — of exercising outdoors this summer.

Summer is finally here, and with it come countless opportunities to get moving in the great outdoors.

While you may not want to give up your gym and studio workouts entirely, you might want to consider squeezing in some activity en plein air whenever you can.

The world is your playground, and the range of fun and surprising workouts is nearly endless. They’re effective, too: Your outdoor excursions can offer strength-building, fat-burning, balance-refining boons — among plenty of other health benefits.

“Humans want and need to be near the natural world,” says trainer Tina Vindum, author of Outdoor Fitness and the accompanying website and training program focused on fresh-air workouts.

Air quality is generally two to five times better outdoors than in, says Vindum. Natural, outdoor light provides essential vitamin D, enhances mood, improves sleep, and alleviates symptoms associated with seasonal affective disorder (for more on that, see “Here Comes the Sun”).

The uneven terrain also provides novel — and beneficial — stimulus to the nervous system, notes Life Time Alpha Training instructor Devon Bates, NASM-CPT, USAW, who teaches outdoor exercise classes in Columbia, Md.

“When you’re jogging, running, or cycling outdoors, the changing sights, sounds, and landscape send signals to the brain that running on a treadmill or cycling in a studio simply cannot duplicate,” says Bates.

Subjective tests also indicate that outdoor exercisers receive a bigger boost in vitality, enthusiasm, pleasure, and self-esteem (and a greater reduction in tension,depression, and fatigue) than those who solely work out indoors.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, many of us spend as much as 90 percent of our lives indoors. Temperature, sound, light, and textures are all controlled indoors — and the result can be a body- and mind-numbing experience.

“When all the sensory stimulation you receive from the environment is the same, parts of your brain go to sleep,” says Frank Forencich, author of Beautiful Practiceand founder of Exuberant Animal. “The body isn’t as intelligent as it could be.”

Outdoor activity helps acclimate your body to the unique temperature, terrain, and weather conditions where you live, explains Forencich. “You actually start to inhabit your habitat.”

Ready to head out? These destination ideas, safety factors, and creative exercises will help you make the most of your outdoor workouts this summer.


The first step to outdoor workouts is figuring out where to do them. When you have easy access to woods, water, or a well-maintained running trail, it’s a no-brainer. Urban dwellers may have a tougher time. Where green space is limited, you may need to wander farther afield to find an appropriate exercise spot.

Your workout location will go a long way toward determining the type of workout you’ll have, says Vindum. The first option, good for city and country dwellers alike, is (1) the single-site workout: Grab the equipment you need, drive or carry it to a yard, field, running trail, or other green space, and go crazy.

Another option is (2) the traveling workout, in which you cover territory throughout your session: Run one block, do 15 pushups; run another block, do 20 squats; run a third, hold plank pose for 30 seconds. Repeat for anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, sprinkling in body-weight moves of your choice between brief periods of running.

(3) The destination workout is broken up into three segments. “You run to the exercise space — a beach, say — at an easy pace,” says Vindum. “Then you perform body-weight strength drills at the location. Finally, you perform a ‘movingmeditation’ on your way home,” breathing easily to get centered and clear your mind as you walk or jog slowly back to your starting point.

Can’t think of any appealing spots near you? Don’t give up, says Vindum. “Nearly every city, no matter how densely populated, has green spaces tucked away. (4)Look at a map of your surroundings to find them.”

In addition to finding a place for a great workout, identifying those workout spots will also help you get to know your neighborhood more intimately. Nothing showing up in your vicinity? (5) Google “parks” in your area for more options. Even if no officially designated parks or green spaces come up, you may still stumble on potential workout spots simply by striking out on foot (or bike, skateboard, or in-line skates).

Some cities have even installed (6) adult jungle gyms with suggested workout ideas along trails and waterfronts.

If there’s water nearby, (7) swimming, kayaking, and stand-up paddleboardingare great options.

(8) Uneven surfaces — hills, hiking trails, beaches with rocky terrain — add an extra challenge.


Too much time in climate- and security-controlled environments coaxes us into a state of mental and physical autopilot. Outdoors, irregularities and hazards abound.

To stay on the right side of them, says Forencich, (9) tune in to your environmentand be aware of your surroundings. “Remember the leopards,” he advises. “Back in Paleo times, the wilderness was a predator-rich environment, and inattention was potentially fatal.” These days, you may not be in much danger of becoming a big cat’s dinner, but there are still plenty of bees, ticks, spiders, snakes, and biting insects out in the wild.

(10) Learn the particular natural dangers of the area you’re traversing (there is usually posted signage if large animals have been seen in the area), (11) stay on paths, and don’t poke around stones, tree roots, or small caves, where, depending on your geographical area, you may happen upon something venomous.

During tick season, (12) check yourself for hitchhikers after your workout, especially on your ankles and lower body.

More likely than a run-in with a dangerous creature is a close encounter with gravity: “We’re not accustomed to moving on uneven ground,” says Vindum. (13)Avoid spills by staying fully engaged. “When you’re running outdoors, keep your toes up and look at the ground 10 to 15 feet in front of you rather than straight down,” she says. That builds sensitivity in your feet that allows you to easily run past, or over, obstacles without having to stare at the ground the whole time.

When running, hiking, or walking along busy roads, (14) “face traffic,” says Bates. “Don’t depend on drivers to be vigilant.” Evenings and early mornings, he advises,(15) “wear bright or reflective clothing,” for maximum visibility. And if you work out alone, (16) always let someone know where you’re going and how long you plan to be gone.

Another common danger is dehydration. If you’re not positive that water is available at your destination, (17) drink plenty before you set out and carry a full bottle with you, especially in hot weather. Drink according to thirst throughout your workout, and stick to water (rather than sports drinks) for sessions of 60 minutes or less. If you work out for longer, pack a piece of fruit or a sports gel.

Forencich recommends making the outdoors your sanctuary, and keeping it free of everyday distractions. (18) Converse with the outdoors, not people on the phone, he advises: “If you’re talking about work, gossip, or the news while out on a hike,” he says, “you’re not getting the full benefits of the experience. (19) Better yet, leave your phone in the car,” he suggests. Want your phone because you’re worried about getting lost sans GPS? At least turn it off so you’re not tempted to tweet (#completelyunplugged) while trying to commune with nature.

Taking that advice one step further, Vindum suggests you (20) ditch your earbuds: Instead of blasting your tunes, “exercise in silence, and take in the smells and sounds that are all around you.”

Want to celebrate your all-natural primitive exercise experience? If your nose starts running, (21) try “the farmer’s blow.” Just plug one nostril and blow straight down. This method of clearing your sinuses without the aid of tissue paper (while arguably gross) is acceptable as long as you’re aware of who’s around you, says Vindum: “You just don’t want to hit someone with that stuff — it’s a flying biohazard!”


Perhaps the biggest reason people exercise indoors is to avoid the elements. In inclement weather,  staying indoors may be advisable.

But aside from heatstroke or hypothermia-inducing temps, a certain amount of(22) temperature variation can be good for you, says Forencich. Indoor heat and air conditioning, he points out, deprive our bodies of contrast. “We don’t shiver and we don’t sweat, which means we don’t burn as many calories throughout the year,” he says. “So go outside, get cold, get hot. As long as you avoid the truly life-threatening extremes, your body will benefit.”

(23) Outdoor light benefits you in ways that your office fluorescents don’t. Both blue light (predominant during morning hours) and red light (strongest in the evening) can help with sleep regulation.

One other type of exposure you want to be moderate about is (24) running barefoot. It’s fun but can lead to injury, says Forencich: “If you’ve worn shoes your whole life, you’re not going to regain the foot strength and sensitivity of a Paleo hunter-gatherer in one afternoon.” While barefoot walks on a forgiving surface like sand or grass can give your feet a nice break from shoes, running barefoot for long periods — on any surface — can be problematic, he says.


Once you’ve decided on a time and place to release your inner Tarzan or Jane, the next step is to figure out what you’ll do once you get there. In most cases, all you’ll need is your body and a bit of creativity to make the most of what’s available in your surroundings.

(25) Go freestyle. “Seek out experiences you can’t have indoors. And feel free to let loose a little,” Bates says.

If there’s a (26) cool rock near your workout space, stand on it, lift it, place a foot on it, and do lunges. If there’s a steep incline, (27) scramble up as fast as you can a few times. If there are fallen leaves, (28) play “nature’s hopscotch” and leap from one to the next, suggests Forencich.

Another fresh idea: Take advantage of the open space and base your entire workout on different (29) forms of locomotion like jumping, skipping, leaping, and hopping for the lower body, or crab-walking and climbing for the upper body.

Focus on (30) traveling in all directions: forward, backward, diagonally, to the side, and rotationally.

One of Vindum’s favorite outdoor options is the Tree Workout: “Find a sturdy tree and do everything you can think of near it or on it.” For example, (31) do a 90-second tree-wall sit: Put your back against it, and bend your knees and hips to 90 degrees. (32) Or try self-assisted pull-ups, looping both hands over a high branch and bracing a foot on the trunk. Advanced exercisers can kick up to a (33)handstand against the tree and hold the position, or even do handstand pushups.

(34) Walk across a log to work on balance. Experiment with deadlifting, overhead pressing, or swinging a fallen tree branch or other natural objects you stumble upon.

While a heart-rate monitor can be handy initially for gauging your effort level with unfamiliar activities, it’s best to switch over to your internal monitoring systems as soon as you can.

(35) “Let sweating and heavy breathing be your guide,” suggests Forencich. Feel the intense pleasure that comes with graceful, powerful movement, he says. “The motivation is in the movement itself.”


(36) Body-weight moves like squats, get-ups, burpees, lunges, and pull-ups (on tree branches or monkey bars) work just as well outside the gym as in, and have the added benefit of working on uneven surfaces and asymmetry — which challenges balance and core control. For another challenge, (37) try pushups with your feet on a hill incline. Perform squats while facing downhill for a deep stretch.

(38) Sprinting as fast as you can is the ultimate outdoor activity. It builds lower-body strength and cardiovascular fitness. Pace off a distance of 100 yards or more and perform repeated 100- to 300-yard sprints. Walk slowly back to the start (this is your rest) and repeat.

(39) Hill runs and (40) stadium-step dashes are great for advanced exercisers looking for a tough challenge. Sprint up, walk down — and watch your step.

(41) Fartlek (or “speed play”) is when you vary your speed to walk, jog, run, or sprint through whatever terrain is available — a trail, suburban sidewalk, or mountain path — for a set period (say, 10 minutes).

(42) Bear crawls (face down, traveling on hands and feet) and (43) crab walks(same concept, but face up) are great ways to work both your upper and lower body.

Think back to (44)  your favorite childhood games. Play tag, Simon Says, or Red Rover.

(45) Join a summer rec league or start your own softball, dodgeball, kickball, or volleyball team.

Grab a couple of friends for a few rounds of (46) Double Dutch. Jumping ropebuilds agility and improves conditioning. Or play (47) hoop toss. This three-person game requires a ball and a hoop. One person roams while holding the hoop as the other two toss the ball between them, passing it through the hoop each time.

Plan out repeatable (48) agility drills and run between trees, park benches, lampposts, or other obvious place markers. Plan a sequence that takes about 10 seconds (for explosive power) or 30 seconds (for endurance and strength), and repeat.

(49) Obstacle courses offer combined agility, strength, and speed training by requiring crawling, climbing, and sprinting. Leap rocks, traverse monkey bars or fallen logs, crawl beneath low branches, scale trees. Repeat several times or play(50) Follow the Leader with a training partner, working on efficiency and form with each repetition.

There you have it: 50 tips for making the most of summer without sacrificing your fitness or fun. So, what are you waiting for?


Following up with ankle tips for MFR and training on running!

Think you can’t squat because of a bad back? Tight hips? Weak knees? You may want to look lower down in the kinetic chain — the problem may just be tight ankles.

The role mobile ankles play in many fitness pursuits is under-appreciated, says Kelly Starrett, DPT, author of Ready to Run, who runs the popular website When the ankle joint can flex and extend optimally, he notes, it allows you to tap into the strength of your legs, hips, and glutes.

Conversely, when your ankles are tight, it’s as though your strength is locked up. Your legs may have the strength to squat 200 pounds, but without adequate dorsiflexion, you may find it impossible to squat to parallel without your heels coming off the floor and knees lurching dangerously forward.

Immobile ankles not only inhibit fitness, but may also cause pain in the heels, Achilles tendons, calves, shins, knees,hips, and lower back, inhibiting proper gait.

Want to assess your ankle mobility? Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width and, maintaining a neutral spine, squat down. If you can’t squat to parallel while keeping your heels down and knees in line with your toes, tight ankles may be the culprit. Starrett recommends these drills, which focus on the connective tissues of the lower body.

Wall-Stretch Foot-Smash Calf-Smash (1)

Leg work out with cardio



This work out will work your legs and bring your heart rate up.  I listen to my body for rest times.  I also move pretty quick from exercise to exercise when I need to stop and rest I did! Listen to your body and joints. Have fun and keep moving!

3 sets each of 1 and 2 paired  exercises

1) Balance lunges (1 leg on bench behind you 1 leg on floor in front )drop back knee down deep
2) Super set with jump rope

1) Single leg stiff leg while balancing on a 10 inch box and  pulling 1 arm cable row
2) Super set w seated Latt row I like this for movement around my spine

Barbell back squats light weight with good range of motion 3 sets then move to next  exercises.

1) Single leg leg press 10 reps each then finish w both legs 10 more reps
2) Super set w Single  leg extension  same reps as press then Cardio 1 min.  battle ropes

1) Leg curl seated machine
2)super set with abduction machine and then  more 1 min. battle ropes

1)Hold 45 lb plate with both hands shoulder height Plie squats 15R
2)Super set w Hip raises for glutes  w 45 lb plate lying on the ground wight in heels  20R straight up then isolate  each leg alternating squeezing each  glute 20R
Then Cardio interval box jumps or tire jumps 15 R
Stretching and foam roll.

Shari & Balance 2bfit

Simple Energizing Squats with breathing

Simple Energizing Squats.   Include squats in a simple 10 min workout, every day when you’re short for time. I am demonstrating a back squat with a barbell! Your  squat can vary with DB or no weight at all and at your desk. Match your breath with your movement of your squat. Start with an inhale through your nose at standing lower down as you exhale all your breath out at the bottom of your squat ( parallel quads to the floor or lower if  you have no back pain). No weight 20-25 reps, with weight I try to do 12 to 15 reps and 3 to 4 sets depending on what your personal goals are.  Have fun in your work outs!

squats(2) 8-17-14 Squats 9-17-14

Celebrate you and your love for feeling great