Category Archives: Exercise of the Week

Rowing & Battle Rope 20 minute work out

The Workout: When Equinox experts created the signature  class, their goal was to develop a circuit-based workout using battle ropes and rowing machines in new ways.

The class is broken up into four parts, each with unique benefits. The first focuses on fast-paced moves to boost metabolism, flexibility, mobility, and stability. The battle ropes segment builds grip strength and endurance while training your body at a high intensity with low impact. The exercises in the third portion are performed AMRAP-style and target the legs, upper-body, and core.

Finally, you end on the rowing machine. “It’s one of the most effective ways to train since it recruits more than 80 percent of your muscle mass,” Bagshaw says. “With both sprints and endurance work, you’re able to tap different energy systems for cardiovascular benefits and calorie-burn.” Then, you move on to the next round.

He developed the workout below using the same programming. To do it, you’ll need a BOSU ball, battle ropes, one heavy dumbbell (between 12 and 25 pounds), and a rowing machine. Start with a warm-up of dynamic exercises such as jumping jacks, high knees, air squats, and walkouts to shoulder taps, doing each for 30 seconds. Perform the routine once or twice a week.

Round 1:
Metabolic and mobility moves
  • 0:00 to 1:00: BOSU burpee to press with rotation
  • Stand tall, holding the BOSU with your thumbs in the grooves on either side and your fingers wrapped around the edge. With the dome facing down, lower the BOSU to the floor, jump back into a high plank, then jump forward again with feet on either side of the BOSU. Stand tall, then simultaneously pivot the body to the right and press the BOSU out in front of your chest. Reverse the motion to return to center and repeat the sequence, this time pivoting to your left. Continue, alternating sides.
  • 1:00 to 2:00: BOSU planks with hip-opening lunge
  • Begin in a high plank with shoulders stacked over wrists and hands on the dome of a BOSU ball. Lower into a forearm plank on the dome, then return to high plank. Step the right leg forward next to the BOSU, then back into plank. Repeat with the left leg. Continue this sequence.
  • 2:00 to 2:30: Rest and transition
Battle ropes
  • 2:30 to 4:30: Perform one of the below exercises for 30 seconds at maximum effort, then recover for 30 seconds. Repeat once more.
  • Alternating battle rope waves
  • Face the anchor point with feet at hip width, holding the end of the rope in each hand with palm facing toward each other, knees slightly bent, and core engaged. Create alternating waves; while one arm goes up, the other slams down.
  • Battle rope slams
  • Face the anchor point with feet at hip width, holding the end of the rope in each hand with palm facing toward each other, knees slightly bent, and core engaged. Vigorously raise and lower both arms in sync, so that both ropes slam down in unison.
  • Battle rope jacks
  • Face the anchor point with feet together, holding the end of the rope in each hand. Perform a jumping jack, jumping your feet out and bringing the rope up with your arms.
  • 4:30 to 5:00: Rest and transition
  • 5:00 to 7:00: Perform 10 reps (5 per side) of each exercise below, repeating the circuit as many times as you can in 2 minutes.
  • Lateral lunge with goblet hold
  • Stand tall and hold a dumbbell by one end with both hands in front of your chest. Step the left foot out and lower into a lateral lunge, then return to standing and repeat on the right. Continue, alternating sides.
  • Push-up with dumbbell drag
  • Get in a high plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists, feet at hip width, and a dumbbell behind your right hand. Perform a push-up, then pick up the dumbbell with the left hand and put it on the ground behind your left hand. Repeat with the right hand, moving the dumbbell back to start. Continue, alternating sides.
  • Standing dumbbell discus throw
  • Stand tall with feet at shoulder width and a dumbbell in the right hand at your side. Pivot both feet to rotate your body to the right, bringing the dumbbell behind you to your right glute, then pivot back to center while powerfully driving the dumbbell up and to the left, as if you were throwing a discus or swinging a tennis racket. Spot the weight with your left hand at the top. Return to start for one rep. Do all reps on this side, then switch sides and repeat.
  • 7:00 to 7:30: Rest and transition
  • 7:30 to 9:30: Sprint for 30 seconds at maximum effort, then recover for 30 seconds. Repeat once more.
  • 9:30 to 10:00: Rest and transition
Round 2:
Metabolic and mobility moves
  • 10:00 to 11:00: BOSU jump squats
  • Stand in a wide stance with the right foot planted on the center of a BOSU dome (flat side down) and the left foot slightly turned out. Lower into a squat, then drive powerfully through the legs to jump to the right, landing with the left foot on the center of the dome and the right foot on the ground. Continue, alternating sides.
  • 11:00 to 12:00: Dead bug
  • Lie with a BOSU dome (flat side down) under your back. Maintain balance with your knees bent at 90 degrees in tabletop position and your arms extended straight up (perpendicular to the floor) with palms facing each other. Keep spine in neutral alignment by pressing the low back into the dome, rather than arching it. Lower the left arm and right leg until both are straight and parallel to the floor, then return to start and repeat on opposite sides.
  • 12:00 to 12:30: Rest and transition
Battle ropes
  • 12:30 to 14:30: Perform one of the below exercises for 30 seconds at maximum effort, then recover for 30 seconds. Repeat once more.
  • Alternating battle rope wave
  • Battle rope slams
  • Battle rope jacks
  • 14:30 to 15:00: Rest and transition
  • 15:00 to 17:00: Perform 10 reps (5 per side) of each exercise below, repeating the circuit as many times as you can in 2 minutes.
  • Lateral lunge with goblet hold
  • Push-up with dumbbell drag
  • Standing dumbbell discus throw
  • 17:00 to 17:30: Rest and transition
  • 17:30 to 19:30: Sprint for 30 seconds at maximum effort, then recover for 30 seconds. Repeat once more.
  • 19:30 to 20:00: Rest

Inversions and Deadlifts


Inversions are a great way to help move your blood flow . Hexbar or dumbell deadlifts build strength in your core, back and legs. If you do not have a Hexbar or barbell. Hold 2dbls on the inside or outside of your legs. To add more core bring dumbels up right to chest level. Make sure weight is in your heels and your sitting your bum back.

On back lifting days I like to add in inversions to work the small muscle groups more.

You can practice these walks without weights first (I recommend). Also, try forward spiderman too if backward seems too awkward. I always shoot for 10 steps with good form. Also if my shoulders feel tight that day I do not bring my chest to the ground.

Ha, this was fun right????
Your awesome for just trying with me.  Add a mix of fun playful moves even if there dance.:}
Thank you for stopping in. Did you like this video? Send me a comment below! 
Keep moving your sexy amazing body!

Full Body in home work out Video

Hi Fit friends,
Here is a quick workout Video for you. You will need 2 dumbbells and a bench if you have it. Perform these exercises in a circuit style 3X keeping your heart rate up. 10 reps on all exercises.
Listen to your body a little muscle pain is good. Please do not do any of these exercises if you have joint, tendon, or ligament pain. 
Let’s have fun and move your amazing body with me.
Shout out to my friends that lent me their gym space. Thank you!

If you have any questions please email me at

If you like this video please share it with friends & family. Please subscribe to this website & youtube. 
Have a wonderful Holiday! 


Nikole & I put together this short 4 sequence of videos to help motivate you and give you some new exercises.  Perform this sequence of exercises in a circuit 3X.
THEN HOLD PRONE COBRA 10 sec (for posture)




Thank you for joining us today.  What did you think of this sequence of core exercises? leave a comment below.

If you liked these videos please share.
Keep moving your amazing body!

Shari & Nikole

5 Rules to assist your fit motivation during the pandemic

Hi Fit Friends,

First, I want to thank you for clicking here.  I miss you fiercely and miss all your smiling energetic faces. I hope your are healthy and well.  I have a couple in home work outs for you to try below.

With so much uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps the most important thing you can do for your mental and physical health—outside of meticulously practicing social distancing, or, as I’ve come to call it, physical distancing—is to regularly move your body. Hundreds of scientific studies show that physical activity is associated with dramatic reductions in depression and anxiety. Other research shows that regular exercise boosts immunity, so long as you aren’t redlining yourself all the time

It’s a conundrum. At a time when physical activity is more important than ever, it also seems to be harder than ever. But this is largely an illusion. It doesn’t take much to get a good workout in. Here are two I’ve suggested:
1st work out below

2nd work out
10/10 reps Horsestance or bird dogs 
20 reps push ups
10/10 reps Drinking birds or single leg hinge (RDL)
20 reps Body weight squats hold 1 or 2 water jugs filled :}
1 minute forearm plank can add alternating toe lift or alternating shoulder taps
20 alternating reverse lunges watch alignment (ankle, knee & hip forward)
20 jumping jax
3 Get ups to standing on each side
20 reps roll ups reaching for the sky can also hold 1 water jug over head ;}
30 / 30 seconds Side plank with upper arm reach through (reach hand up to the sky then down towards your belly)

A key to exercising regularly is making it automatic a part of a well-worn routine. It’s not surprising, then, that exercise may feel especially challenging right now, given that so many of our routines have been thrown out of whack. Here are a few tricks to help you get back on track. Schedule your work out days ahead of time, just like we would do at our sessions.
I know its hard to stay motivated right now, I struggle too. Remember this! It’s as simple mood follows action: you don’t need to feel good to get going, you need to get going and then you’ll feel good. Your work outs do not need to be long, JUST MOVE!
Have compassion for yourself and start small then add more days and times as the routine begins to become part of your new changes.

Create physical boundaries around your time for movement.

Unplug while your working out
 There will be less distractions this way.

Set your goals to be realistic. Instead of doing the best your can with a timer,  think about movement for your overall health, well being and for your family.

I hope this helps. Please leave a comment if you tried one of the work outs.  I like to read your feed back. If you liked the work out would you be so kind to share with a friend.

Have a happy healthy Day!

Lots of love and virtual hugs!!


20 Minute Full Body Work Out video on a wall

Happy 2020! How are your training goals coming this year?  If you would like something new and different. Try this video I made for you to emphasize all body systems activation.  You will burn body fat, sky rocket your metabolism and leave the gym feeling a good accomplishment.  This video is not for beginners. Please always consult your physician before starting a new exercise routine.

Have fun! If your like this video please leave me a comment!
