Happy 2020 Summer

What I have been up to this crazy summer. I backpacked from Grand Lake/Monarch lake to Brainard Lake. 32 miles and 3 days. What an amazing trip. I really needed a goal to help me get through this pandemic. Of course, it had to be outside.  I highly recommend setting your goals. It doesn’t matter if they are small or big. Having goals keeps us motivated and focused on our selves and not the pandemic.  Don’t get me wrong the pandemic is important and I am doing everything to stay clear of this terrible virus. I passed many people wearing masks on trails many miles away from the city and we still all wore masks. Colorado is very conscious about following the rules. Yay that’s great!  For many of us being outdoors right now is key for our movement.  So far so good/lucky my family and I are healthy.  Please stay safe and keep moving your amazing body’s.  Reach out if you would like assistance setting your goals. Lots of love and healthy vibes sent to you and your family.

Pawnee Peak

5 Rules to assist your fit motivation during the pandemic

Hi Fit Friends,

First, I want to thank you for clicking here.  I miss you fiercely and miss all your smiling energetic faces. I hope your are healthy and well.  I have a couple in home work outs for you to try below.

With so much uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps the most important thing you can do for your mental and physical health—outside of meticulously practicing social distancing, or, as I’ve come to call it, physical distancing—is to regularly move your body. Hundreds of scientific studies show that physical activity is associated with dramatic reductions in depression and anxiety. Other research shows that regular exercise boosts immunity, so long as you aren’t redlining yourself all the time

It’s a conundrum. At a time when physical activity is more important than ever, it also seems to be harder than ever. But this is largely an illusion. It doesn’t take much to get a good workout in. Here are two I’ve suggested:
1st work out below

2nd work out
10/10 reps Horsestance or bird dogs 
20 reps push ups
10/10 reps Drinking birds or single leg hinge (RDL)
20 reps Body weight squats hold 1 or 2 water jugs filled :}
1 minute forearm plank can add alternating toe lift or alternating shoulder taps
20 alternating reverse lunges watch alignment (ankle, knee & hip forward)
20 jumping jax
3 Get ups to standing on each side
20 reps roll ups reaching for the sky can also hold 1 water jug over head ;}
30 / 30 seconds Side plank with upper arm reach through (reach hand up to the sky then down towards your belly)

A key to exercising regularly is making it automatic a part of a well-worn routine. It’s not surprising, then, that exercise may feel especially challenging right now, given that so many of our routines have been thrown out of whack. Here are a few tricks to help you get back on track. Schedule your work out days ahead of time, just like we would do at our sessions.
I know its hard to stay motivated right now, I struggle too. Remember this! It’s as simple mood follows action: you don’t need to feel good to get going, you need to get going and then you’ll feel good. Your work outs do not need to be long, JUST MOVE!
Have compassion for yourself and start small then add more days and times as the routine begins to become part of your new changes.

Create physical boundaries around your time for movement.

Unplug while your working out
 There will be less distractions this way.

Set your goals to be realistic. Instead of doing the best your can with a timer,  think about movement for your overall health, well being and for your family.

I hope this helps. Please leave a comment if you tried one of the work outs.  I like to read your feed back. If you liked the work out would you be so kind to share with a friend.

Have a happy healthy Day!

Lots of love and virtual hugs!!


EPOC Training explained and two workouts

EPOC explained and what athletes should understand about this marker, plus two workouts to help improve ii.

TERM:VO2 max

DEFINITION:VO2 max is a measurement of the maximum amount of oxygen that a body can utilize during exercise. It is used to calculate overall fitness. As you become more conditioned, your VO2 max and your endurance increase, allowing you to perform longer and work at a higher intensity with less effort. VO2 max is measured in a laboratory test: You walk or run on a treadmill until you reach your all-out effort, while equipment analyzes the amount of oxygen inhaled and the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled.

Research shows that interval training produces greater improvements in VO2max than continuous (or steady-state) workouts. You can do intervals with any activity by alternating periods of intense and easier effort, or try one of the workouts below.

20-Minute, Total-Body Workout 


Jog in place for 15 seconds.

High Knees

Jog in place, bringing knees toward your chest, for 15 seconds.

Butt Kicker

Jog in place, bringing your heels toward your butt, for 1 minute.


Hop to the left, landing on left foot as you tap right foot on the floor slightly behind you. Push off left foot as you hop to the right. Continue, moving from side to side, for 1 minute.

Lunge and Reach

Take a big step forward with right foot and bend knees, lowering into a lunge; as you lunge, bend your torso over to the right, reaching left arm overhead and right hand toward the floor. Return to starting position and repeat on opposite side to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Mountain Climber

Get in plank position. Step right foot forward, bringing right knee toward chest. Hold for 1 count, then slowly step back to starting position and repeat with left leg to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps. Next, jump right foot forward; then switch legs, jumping left foot forward as you extend right leg to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps.


From plank position, walk feet forward until they’re just behind your hands; walk hands forward until you’re in plank position again to complete 1 rep. Do 6 reps and then stand.

CIRCUIT 1: Running and push-up

Run forward 8 steps, run backward 8 steps, then do 1 push-up. Repeat, this time doing 2 push-ups.

Run forward at a diagonal 8 steps, run backward at a diagonal 8 steps, then do 3 push-ups. Repeat, this time doing 4 push-ups.

CIRCUIT 2: Side shuffle, squat jump, and inchworm

Shuffle 4 steps to the right, then do 1 squat jump. Shuffle 4 steps to the left, then do 1 squat jump.

Shuffle to the right again, do 1 squat jump, then bend forward and place hands on the floor in front of your feet. Walk hands forward until you’re in plank position. Bend elbows, lowering chest toward floor, then push up. Walk hands back toward feet and do 1 squat jump. Shuffle to the left and repeat.

Repeat entire sequence 4 times.

CIRCUIT 3: Alternating lunge and lateral lunge jump

Step back with right foot and bend knees, lowering into a lunge. Rise up as you return to starting position. Repeat, this time stepping back with left leg, to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Next, push off left foot and jump to the right, landing in a lunge with right foot behind left. Do 4 jumps, each time landing in a lunge with left foot forward, then repeat in the opposite direction with right foot forward.

CIRCUIT 4: Suicide runs

Sprint to the right for 4 counts then bend down and touch right hand to the floor. Immediately rise up and sprint to the left for 4 counts then touch left hand to the floor. Repeat 5 times.

CIRCUIT 5: Multidirectional burpee

Stand and in one motion, place hands on floor in front of your feet and jump feet back into plank position; jump feet toward hands, and then jump straight up, reaching your arms overhead to complete 1 burpee.

Do 2 burpees (see above), jumping feet to the right and left as you rise up.

Do 3 burpees, jumping straight up for the first, to the right on the second, and to the left on the third.

Do 4 burpees: one center, one right, one left, and one forward.

Do 5 burpees: one center, one right, one left, one forward, and one backward.

<<Repeat circuits 1 to 5>>

CIRCUIT 6: Core challenge

Army Crawl

Get in plank position and lower your forearms to the floor. Crawl forward for 20 seconds.

Side Plank Reach

From the army crawl, extend your arms so you’re in a plank position with hands under shoulders. Lift right arm and rotate torso to the right, shifting weight to left arm. Bring left foot forward so it’s in front of right. Lift left leg as you reach right hand toward left foot. Lower left foot and repeat 5 times. Reverse motion to return to plank position, then repeat the entire sequence on the opposite side.

Back Extension

Lie facedown with your arms extended at your sides, palms facing ceiling. Lift your chest and thighs and hold for 5 counts. Lower to the floor and repeat. Do 5 reps.

If you tried one of these work outs and you like them, please leave a comment below.


Eggplant Bolognese with Zucchini Noodles

Eggplant Bolognese with Zucchini Noodles
  1. Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Add in the onion and beef and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook for 8-10 minutes until the meat is browned. Stir in the eggplant, garlic, bay leaves, and thyme and sauté for an additional 15 minutes.
  2. Once the eggplant is tender, stir in the tomato paste. Add the wine and scrape any browned bits off the bottom of the pan. Stir in the tomatoes and slightly crush with a spoon. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Adjust salt to taste. Serve warm garnished with fresh basil.
    Thank you Jill Carnahan for another great recipe!

20 Minute Full Body Work Out video on a wall

Happy 2020! How are your training goals coming this year?  If you would like something new and different. Try this video I made for you to emphasize all body systems activation.  You will burn body fat, sky rocket your metabolism and leave the gym feeling a good accomplishment.  This video is not for beginners. Please always consult your physician before starting a new exercise routine.

Have fun! If your like this video please leave me a comment!


Let’s start your 2020 fitness goals



While my daughter from college was home this winter break we found time to train together.

What I liked is the accountability of having some one to go with me to the gym. I found it very motivating and fun. Pick what it is that motivates you. A friend, your trainer, your partner in crime, your pet. Set up a weekly routine to at least meet 2X per week. You will start feeling better, and who knows maybe even add 1 more day in your own to train. Keep up that strength, your body, mind and soul needs!
Keep moving that amazing body!

Green Bean Buddha Bowl with Tahini Drizzle

Green Bean Buddha Bowl with Tahini Drizzle
Provided by https://www.jillcarnahan.com/recipe/green-buddha-bowl-tahini-drizzle/
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Pierce the potatoes with a fork to create small holes. Prepare the sweet potatoes on a rimmed baking sheet and set aside.
  3. Prepare the cauliflower florets on a separate rimmed baking sheet; drizzle with 1 Tbsp. of the oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Roast the potatoes and cauliflower for 30-40 minutes or until very tender. Remove from the oven; set aside to cool then set aside. Cut the sweet potatoes into ½ inch-1 inch chunks.
  5. Meanwhile, steam the green beans on the stove top.
  6. In a large bowl, massage the kale with the remaining 1 Tbsp. oil until the leaves are tender and dark green.
  7. In a large bowl, combine the potatoes, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage, kale and apples. Drizzle with the tahini and lemon juice. Garnish with the lemon zest and parsley and season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve.

    Thank you Jill Carnahan see her website for more nutritious recipes.