Beat the heat and hike early ! Great to hike early , you find a parking spot and it’s cooler.

Beat the heat and hike early ! Great to hike early , you find a parking spot and it’s cooler.
Performing yoga for additional balance & core work. The stretching is great for tight muscles and to help slow my mind down after a long day!
Here is what I have been up to. Coaching online!!!
Working on my balance with practicing standing in the ball in two pints of contact. Fun but a little dangerous. I don’t recommend jumping right on. It will take some practice.
I offer 1 hour live coaching introducing fun new exercises with minimal weight equipment needed. We work on endurance, balance, core & strength. Asked me how we start. It’s quick and easy! I’ll show you fun safe motivating exercises to start or end your day in the comfort of your own home. Thank you for stopping by. I look forward to meeting you.
I put together some of my favorite pre-season Mtn biking exercises for you!
Warm up your legs with these floor exercises 3 sets of 20 reps per leg.
Clamshells banded. The blue band adds medium resistance. I recommend the band for added resistance and to help build more strength.
Hipe Raises
Start your exercises with both feet down. 20 reps full range then hold at the top and perform 20 reps w quick glute squeezes. Perform all 3 sets
Then perform the exact same sequence but with a single leg.
Drinking Birds with a dumbell or a kettlebell perform all on one side 20 reps then go to other side 3sets. Hips and shoulders are parallel to the ground.
Banded goblet squats. 20 Reps 3 sets
May be performed holding a dumbbell or kettlebell or no weight at all.
Bulgarian split squat with back foot elevated and hands overhead. 15 reps on 1 leg then 15 on other leg 3 sets
May be performed by holding a dumbell or kettlebells in one hand at center of chest or 2 by your sides.
Walking lunges 20 – 30 steps 3 sets. Holding 2 kettlebells or dumbbells for added extra resistance to build strength and stamina.
Single-arm kettlebell swings 15 each hand or 20 both hands 3sets. May also be performed by alternating each hand with precise form and skill or double hand swings. Pick your poison :} working endurance. Ensure you’re using your glutes and hips not your low back.