All posts by Shari Lesser

Female Guide to getting lean


I like the following article by breaking muscle. I preach all the time to follow these nutritional guide lines. I would also add to this article work out intensity. You have to push your self in the gym and come out side your comfort zone to really see results quick.  I do this myself with as many work outs as I can. It has truly helped me stay fit and feeling great for many years. It is only takes one hour a day!

If you like this article leave a comment below. If you would be so kind to share my website kink I would really appreciate it.

Have fun and stay motivated!


Hummus Beet Wrap

Hummus Beet Wrap



1 Tbsp. Hummus
1 6-inch Sprouted Grain Tortilla (Gluten Free)
½ c. (75g) Peeled and Grated Beet (TIP: Cut beet into 3 or 4 big chunks and grate using the
grating disk for a food processor or large holes of box grater.)
2 tbsp. Feta (½ oz.)(15g)
¼ Packed c. (5g) Arugula, roughly chopped


Spread hummus on tortilla, leaving a 1 ½ inch(4cm) border. Sprinkle evenly with beets, feta, and
arugula. To roll up, fold in 2 opposite sides of tortilla and roll, starting with the end closet to you.
Slice each wrap in half on the diagonal. Wrap each wrap tightly in foil or parchment paper and
refrigerate in an airtight container or zip-top bag. (Make Ahead: May be made up to 1 day in

If you likes this recipe please leave a comment below. If you would be so kind please chare with your friends.

Beets one of the healthiest foods on the planet!



Beets are kind of strange. Not everyone gets excited about them and many have never tried them. They do have a very unique flavor and texture.

There are plenty of good reasons to love beets!

  • They can be prepared in a million different and delicious ways.
  • They’re available in different varieties that add intense color and beauty to every dish.

When you add their health benefits to their taste benefits, it’s no wonder that they’ve become so popular in the last few years.

But can beets help you lose weight?

Beets have been called one of the world’s healthiest foods.

One nutrition expert has called beets “red spinach” because they contain so much folate and betaine. Together these two nutrients lower the levels of a substance that increases your risk of heart disease.

They contain:

  • tons of Vitamin C (a powerful anti-inflammatory and immune-system booster)
  • iron
  • manganese
  • potassium

And the thing that gives them their beautiful color, their phytonutrients, also make them great at fighting cancer.

There’s even evidence that drinking just 2 cups of beetroot juice per day can lower blood pressure.

The flesh isn’t the only nutritious part either.

The greens that top beets have 3 times the nutrition of the root, and they have a wonderful peppery taste.

When you shop for beets, look for the ones sold in bunches with the greens still attached. The greens are loaded with Vitamin A, carotenoids and anti-oxidants.

Quick Tip: Beet greens make a fantastic substitute for kale or spinach in your smoothies.

When you add to all these nutritional benefits the fact that beets are a great weight loss food, you’ll want to make sure that they’re in your shopping cart every week.

They are:

  • a natural diuretic and will help keep you from retaining water
  • super low in calories (just 50 per cup)
  • high in fiber
  • and they contain no cholesterol or fat 

Beets boost weight loss 3 ways:

The 1st way is that they keep you feeling full, but beets help you with your weight loss goals by helping you to exercise more efficiently.

#2 How Beets Help: They improve blood flow and boost energy and stamina.

Why That Matters: This means you can work out longer and more effectively without getting tired.

#3 How Beets Help: The betaine in beets has also been shown to be a boon for building lean muscle mass.

Why That Matters: More muscle means more effective calorie burning.

Shopping For Beets

Beets are available all year long. Nutrition in fresh beets compared to canned or jarred beets is similar, but canned beets may have more sodium and/or preservatives.

Fresh beets should be heavy and should not have nicks or cuts.

If buying fresh, look for beets that still have the greens attached.

When you get home, cut the greens off about one inch from the root and store the two parts separately. You can keep the beets in the refrigerator for a few weeks, but use the greens within a few days.

Hummus Beet Wrap


1 Tbsp. Hummus
1 6-inch Sprouted Grain Tortilla (Gluten Free)
½ c. (75g) Peeled and Grated Beet (TIP: Cut beet into 3 or 4 big chunks and grate using the
grating disk for a food processor or large holes of box grater.)
2 tbsp. Feta (½ oz.)(15g)
¼ Packed c. (5g) Arugula, roughly chopped


Spread hummus on tortilla, leaving a 1 ½ inch(4cm) border. Sprinkle evenly with beets, feta, and
arugula. To roll up, fold in 2 opposite sides of tortilla and roll, starting with the end closet to you.
Slice each wrap in half on the diagonal. Wrap each wrap tightly in foil or parchment paper and
refrigerate in an airtight container or zip-top bag. (Make Ahead: May be made up to 1 day in

If you liked what you read please be so kind to share with your friends & leave a comment below.


Thank you Dannette May for sharing the above  content on your blog. To see full article click link below.





Green Tea and health benefits

Burn Calories and Get an Energy Edge with EGCG

By Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS aka “The Rogue Nutritionist”™

Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, aka “The Rogue Nutritionist” ™ is the bestselling author of 14 books on health including “Living Low Carb” and “The Great Cholesterol Myth”.


I’m a huge fan of tea for both its health properties and as an energy drink in general. And while all tea is great, one particular compound in green tea, called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG for short, has been isolated and is available as a supplement. And I think it’s great for energy, even more so if you’re not drinking tea on a regular basis.

EGCG is a member of a family of substances found in tea called catechins, which are in turn a member of a larger class of plant chemicals called polyphenols. These polyphenols are thought to be responsible for a large measure of the health benefits of tea, but EGCG in particular is of special interest to those of us looking to get an energy edge.

EGCG sparks a process in the body known as thermogenesis, or heat production (thermo means “heat,” genesis means “making new”). You may know the process of thermogenesis by its more common term “fat burning.” And sure enough, EGCG has been found to be of great interest to those on a weight management program for the same reason it may help you with your energy.

Green Tea helps burn calories!

Here’s what we do know: Green tea consumption leads to a significant increase in calorie burning, a decrease in body weight, and a decrease in waist circumference all while producing no real change in heart rate or blood pressure. Researchers suspect that one of the ways it accomplishes this is by possibly prolonging the effects of norepinephrine, one of the stimulating chemicals in the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine has long recommended green tea for all sorts of ailments and conditions, including headaches, body aches and pains, digestion, depression, immune enhancement, detoxification, and … as an energizer!

Makes sense. In one study, which appeared in the December 1999 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers measured energy expenditure (calories burned) in ten healthy young men who were randomly given either a standard green tea extract (375 mg of catechins and 150 mg of caffeine), 150 mg of caffeine by itself, or an inert placebo. Believe it or not, the caffeine was no better than a placebo at speeding up metabolism, but the men receiving the green tea extract burned an average of 78 calories a day more. Another study, this one published in the September 2005 British Journal of Nutrition, found the increased calorie burn was a little higher—about 178 calories a day for a combination of 200 mg of caffeine with any dose of EGCG tested, from 90 to 400 mg.

While that amount of calories per day isn’t enormous, it’s still significant and those calories do add up. And considering all the other health benefits besides “metabolism boosting,” and that there were zero negative effects (e.g., no increase in heart rate), and also that the green tea tends to stimulate not just calorie burning but fat burning as well, it’s hard to argue that green tea extract—EGCG—wouldn’t be a great addition to a supplement program for energy enhancement.

Want to learn about three foods that will upgrade your metabolism? Watch this video from Dr. Jonny.

Get Dr. Jonny’s excellent book “The Great Cholesterol Myth” on

cholesterol myth

Coconut and Chia cooler

Coconut and Chia Cooler



1 cup coconut water

2 tablespoons fresh squeezed pineapple juice

1 tablespoon chia seeds
I also like to add a few tbls of Aloe juice or gel


Briefly blend all ingredients in a blender or shake well in a closed container and let sit for 15 minutes. (Give those chia seeds time to expand.)