All posts by Shari Lesser

Full body gym workout
My workout today 2-14-23
Warm up
Start with elliptical 20 minute warm up
Full body gym work out. Perform all exercises in a circuit for each round completing 3 rounds in each.
Round 1
Incline YTWs 5 reps 10 lb
Elevated single arm rows , 40,45,45 lb DB
Jump over bench 10 reps in between sets
Round 2
Lat pullovers, 45 lb 10 reps
Single leg high jump on bench 8reps each leg
Bent over barbell rows 75 lb bar 12 reps
Round 3
Wide lot pulldowns 75, 80, 80. 12reps
Jump squats with 12 .5 lb 10 reps
Handstand push ups
Leg raises
Thank you for stopping in. If you liked this work out let me know. Share the love and to friends. I appreciate you and your business. Have fantastic day and keep up those workouts💪 Shari

Body Building Show
Exercise for longevity
I start my day with positive affirmations and then move. Depending on how my body feels, I either walk outside, do a 60-minute yoga class, or go to the gym and lift weights. This has been my practice for over 25 years. Let me teach you how to start your day with motivation to put your mind and body first!

Longevity will come from that process. There’s many scientific articles explaining that process and how it works in deeper level. I’m not doing that today. But I’d love to bring the energy and motivation to your life to help you get started.
Thank you, for stopping by and sharing your time with me! Please be so kind to share with friends and family! SLOGAN FOR THE WEEK JUST SHOW UP!💪🫶 Only good vibes. Shari
Happy 2023 Setting goals for the new year. A balance of lifting for strength, yoga for breathing & balance. sharing the energy 🫶. Let’s set goals together!
Working posterior chain
One of my favorite exercises performed on this machine when available to me. I like to perform both reverse hyper extensions and flip around for my core work. I perform 15-20 reps and 3-4 sets.

Thank you for stopping by. If you liked this post please be so kind to share with friends & family.
Happy Holidays 🎄🫶

Cleansing & Detox Fall 2022
Good morning friends.
In this blog, I am excited to share with you my journey into a healthier me. I will be providing a series of blogs on how I prepare and go through an 8 day cleanse. I will share my daily food and activities. I like to cleanse/detox 2 times a year,, generally fall & spring.
I like to start the cleanse on Monday and finish on the following Monday or Tuesday . This allows me to have quite relaxing time on the weekend. I will continue to be active through out the cleanse. I jump into yoga class, light weight training and infared sauna to further the detoxifying process.
The first 4 days are clean eating w/o any prosessed foods. No dairy, sugar, caffeine or gluten. I cut out meat on the 3rd or 4th day and cook an alkalizing vegetable soup/broth on the 4th day. I will then begin drinking the soup for the next 4 days or until gone.
Join me on this journey. I will supply you with all the necessary suggested documents, suppliments, foods and energy for this fun deeper cleansing process .

Hip exercises for stability & strength
A video on how to help your hips
Complete each sequential exercise performing 15 reps in each position. Repeat all exercises on other side(Leg).
Start position with knees up close to your chest.
Thank you for stopping by. if you like this video please comment and share with friends.